Jewelry projects combining macrame and found stones
Macrame stone-wrapping

Jewelry projects combining macrame and found stones
New jewelry combining macrame and loom-woven beadwork
Mobilia recently invited me to bring in jewelry for their winter jewelry exhibition, and I wanted to try making something new. First I made a sketch, from which I made a prototype in steel wire: I liked the way it worked out, so I started working on a final version in silver and […]
For Mobilia’s winter necklace exhibition, I wanted to create something that was similar in spirit to the one I made for their last necklace show, but easier to wear. The necklace, pictured below, is oxidized silver with pearls, singed fabric, and faceted glass beads. The opening reception will be on November 17th, and the show will be on view through December 28th.
I just completed a large necklace in sterling silver, iolite and singed fabric for Mobilia Gallery‘s exhibition “Objects of Status, Power and Adornment”, which is currently on view. UPDATE: The necklace has been purchased and is no longer on view, though you can still see the photo here and on Mobilia’s exhibition page. I will […]